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Military Ball Customs and Courtesies Paper

Write a 3 page paper on the customs and courtesies of a formal military event such as a dinning out or military ball.  

  • Typed (no credit if not typed and email to instructor) 
  • 12 Font Arial (minus 10 if not in 12 Font Arial)
  • 1 Inch Margins (minus 10 if margins are not 1 inch)

Header in the Top Right Corner (36 points):

  1. First Line should include LAST name, FIRST name in ALL CAPS
  2. Second Line should be your Flight
  3. Third Line should be your Class Period 
  4. Fourth Line should be the Date (format = 01 Jan 2016)

Paper Title (4 points)   Title of the of the paper after the header:  Military Ball Customs & Courtesies

Introduction (15 points)  paragraph should have at a minimum 3 sentences in narrative form that introduces what you will communicate to the reader.  You should identify in your introduction the specific areas of the customs & courtesies you will cover.

  1. What is your topic?
  2. Introduce the topic.  
  3. Introduce at three areas of customs & courtesies you will discuss.

Custom & Courtesy #1 (15 points)  Use the number of paragraphs necessary to cover your first custom and courtesy.  Consider the following questions:

  1. What is your first custom and courtesy?
  2. What is the historical origin of the custom and courtesy?
  3. Explain the custom or courtesy and how it is demonstrated?
  4. What did you learn and how can you apply the custom and courtesy?

Custom & Courtesy #2 (15 points)  Use the number of paragraphs necessary to cover your first custom and courtesy.  Consider the following questions:

  1. What is your first custom and courtesy?
  2. What is the historical origin of the custom and courtesy?
  3. Explain the custom or courtesy and how it is demonstrated?
  4. What did you learn and how can you apply the custom and courtesy?

Custom & Courtesy #3 (15 points)  Use the number of paragraphs necessary to cover your first custom and courtesy.  Consider the following questions:

  1. What is your first custom and courtesy?
  2. What is the historical origin of the custom and courtesy?
  3. Explain the custom or courtesy and how it is demonstrated?
  4. What did you learn and how can you apply the custom and courtesy

Conclusion (15 points) paragraph should at least 3 sentences in narrative format that can answer the following questions:

  1. What were the 3 or more import customs and courtesies you presented?  
  2. What is the importance of each of the customs and courtesies? 
  3. Why are the customs and courtesies important to you or the reader and how can the customs and courtesies be applied in life?

Step 3:  Email your paper to;

SUBJECT:  ALERT! Military Ball Paper for LAST name, FIRST name in all caps; Body of Email should include:

Lt Col Brown,

Attached is my Military Ball Paper.

Very Respectfully,

First Name Last Name


