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The Cadet Code Of Conduct

I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet, I will not lie, steal or cheat nor will I tolerate those who do.

I am a member of a very special team that is only as strong as its weakest link. I will not be that weakest link.

I will take charge of my team if I am the leader, if not I will follow those appointed over me.

I will assist my team to be as strong as they can be. I will support and cooperate with them to the best of my ability.

I am a completely dedicated, highly educated, extremely motivated cadet that will always show respect to my leaders, as well as my peers.

I will learn to be a leader, as well as a follower.

I will never say “I can’t”, for I know the formula for success requires both effort and persistence.

I know there is nothing I can’t do with the help of my team, and nothing my team can’t accomplish with help from me.

I will maintain a professional image both in uniform and out, and I will not allow my attitude to tarnish that image.

I am a representative of the United States Air Force, my school, my family and my team and I will not let them down.